Julia Barsi
Principal Investigator
Julia Barsi has worked on radiometric calibration of Landsat sensors since her senior project at the Rochester Institute of Technology. Upon graduation, she joined the Landsat Calibration Team as a Calibration Analyst and has been working radiometric calibration ever since. She has been involved with radiometric analysis of Landsat-5 TM, Landsat-7 ETM+, EO-1 ALI, Landsat-8 OLI and TIRS and Landsat-9 OLI-2.
Julia joined the Goddard Laser for Absolute Measurement of Radiance (GLAMR) team as the Science Manager in 2018 and the Calibration Laboratory in 2022, where she helps guide prelaunch spectral and radiometric characterization of a host of instruments including Landsat-9 OLI-2, JPSS VIIRS, CLARREO Pathfinder, and PACE Ocean Color Instrument.
Georgi Georgiev
Senior Calibration Scientist
Brendan McAndrew
Lead Laser Scientist
BS and MS degrees in mechanical engineering from Lehigh University. PhD in mechanical and aerospace engineering from Princeton University, studying microwave driven plasma in supersonic flow. Postdoctoral research at the George Washington University developing infrared cavity ring-down spectrometers for trace gas detection.
Experience with a wide variety of optical diagnostic techniques from microwave to x-ray wavelengths in laboratory, wind tunnel, and field conditions. Currently developing widely tunable parametric oscillators to expand the GLAMR wavelength and radiance calibration range.
Nathan Kelley
Senior Calibration Scientist
Degree in Physics from the University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC)
Since joining the Calibration Laboratory in 2007, Nathan has been providing Total Hemispherical Reflectance data and analysis supporting BRDF measurements, custom radiometric calibration solutions for remote sensing instruments, providing hardware and computer support for custom OPO laser systems in the CL, and website design and curation. Currently Nathan manages the CL cleanroom facility.
Boryana Efremova
Senior Calibration Scientist
Scientist with strong analytical and computational skills, experienced in: radiometric calibration; pre-launch and in-orbit instrument performance assessments and calibration; validation of radiometric calibration; using models for retrieval of physical parameters; data analysis and processing for a variety of ground- and satellite-based imaging and spectroscopic instruments (astronomical and earth-observing).
Michael Rodriguez
Lead Data System Engineer
Mike Rodriguez is a systems engineer in the Calibration Laboratory. He is responsible for developing the software application that automates laser tuning and radiometer measurements.
In addition to his role on GLAMR, he has integrated numerous LIDAR instruments for altimetry and trace gas spectroscopy applications.
Nicholas Reed
Data System Engineer
BS degree in physics from Penn State and MS degree in applied physics from The Johns Hopkins University.
Electro-Optical Instrument Engineer responsible for developing the software applications and automation solutions in the Calibration Laboratory.